Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sweet Summer

Tonight, as I watched the sun dip between the hills and the sky turn pink, the August air felt sticky on my skin and I couldn't help but feel the sweetest smile on my lips. Summer was slipping away, just like sand between my fingers, but still my heart was overflowing with joy. I sat there for a long time, until the air began to cool and the sky was dark, and I thought about the last few months. This summer has been so full of excitement, joy, love and adventures, and I know it holds so many memories that I will cherish forever. I feel like I was so blessed this summer. I feel like I was finally able to slow down and enjoy the little things and truly soak in each moment. I think for so long I was rushing through each moment, always ready for the next thing, but never truly finding joy in where I was. But this summer, God had a plan for me. He bent and tore open my heart and my life in ways I never imagined and gave me the amazing gift of a fulfilled heart and a S U M M E R to breathe in and enjoy each and every moment of.

This summer was made up of endless sunshine and long days at the beach, girls nights and sangria, bike rides in the park and long runs at sunset, road trips and exploring new places, laughter with old friends and adventures with new friends, sandy feet and salty hair, lazy days at the pool and good books, movie nights and ice cream with peanut butter, surfboards and sunburned noses, these things and so much more have defined my summer....and I want to hold each memory of this summer so close to my heart so I will never forget each and every moment, because despite the chaos of life, this summer I feel like I truly tasted the goodness and the sweetness of the Lord through all that He has given me.

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